Food Identification How To's

How to Tell If Your Wine Is Corked

You may have seen these people at your favorite restaurants. You may have judged them, rolled your eyes, called them snobs when you looked over their shoulders and watched as […]

What the Heck is Mirepoix? (Video)

Ok, this is in recipes all the time and people have no clue what it is. Basically, it’s a trinity of vegetables. The most commonly used vegetables are carrots, celery […]

What the Heck is a Bouquet Garni? (Video)

If you see this fancy french term in a recipe, don’t be afraid. It’s basically just a bundle of herbs tied together and used to flavor soups and stocks and […]

What the Heck is a Sachet d’Epices? (Video)

Wrap up your favorite herbs and spices in a little sachet d’epices and flavor some soup or stock. The sachet is basically cheesecloth cut into a square and packed with […]

How to Shop at the Farmer’s Market (Video)

Nothing beats fresh and local and buying straight from the source, which is why we are in love with shopping at the farmer’s markets. We spend many hours at our […]
