How to Cut a Pineapple

Cutting a pineapple is really pretty simple. When shopping for a pineapple make sure it is ripe by plucking one of the leaves from the top. If it comes out fairly easily the pineapple should be ready to go! You can also squeeze the pineapple and if it gives a little you know its ripe. Here are some easy steps to help you cut this amazing fruit.

To cut into chunks

1. Lay the pineapple on its side

2. Cut off the top and bottom ends including the leaves

3. Stand the pineapple upright again and slice off the skin from top to bottom trying not to cut too much of the flesh

4. Remove any brown eyes in the flesh by using the tip of a potato peeler or a pairing knife

5. Slice the pineapple from top to bottom in large pieces avoiding the core

6. Slice the pineapple into chunks

To cut into rings

1. Lay the pineapple on its side

2. Cut off the top and bottom ends including the leaves

3. Stand the pineapple upright again and slice off the skin from top to bottom trying not to cut too much of the flesh

4. Remove any brown eyes in the flesh by using the tip of a potato peeler or a pairing knife

5. Slice the pineapple into slices of the desired thickness

6. Use a pairing knife to cut out the core of each ring



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