Food Wars was a short lived show on the Travel Channel (last one season I believe before being cancelled) probably because it wasn’t the most entertaining of shows coupled with the fact that it was probably getting harder and harder to find famous food rivals, send a production crew and host to each one and then spin it into a competition (and I’m sure after watching other rivals lose was getting harder and harder to get other restaurants to agree to a showdown with their main rival on National television).
Regardless of whether it was a good TV show or not or the reasons Travel Channel axed it, it did always interest me as a novel thing to try myself –eat at both rivals and decide for myself who the winner was. Out of that idea, this map was spawned. I grabbed all of the locations mentioned in the show and put them on an easy to use map.
If you, too, are slightly intrigued by the idea (even if there aren’t many locations now that it was cancelled), then check out the map below, get real judgy about it and report back here with whomever you think the winner was (Geno’s and Pat’s cheese steaks in Philly is one I’d like to try myself). We’d love to hear about it!
Check out some of our other food maps:
More coming soon! Check them all out in our Food Maps section.